Anthony Wong Tik Tsuen (黃荻荃)
Associate Professor
School of Computing and Information Sciences, Caritas Institute of Higher Education
Contact: 3702 4202
Room: A808 CIHE Campus
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Professional and Academic Background
I received Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) from The University of Newcastle (Australia), Master of Business and Administration (MBA) from The Open University of Hong Kong, MSc (Information Technology) from The University of Warwick (UK) and MSc (Computer Science) from The Victoria University of Technology (Australia). My research interests include marketing, consumer behavior, corporate social responsibilities, organizational behavior, employee commitment, information systems and e-learning.
I have worked in commercial for nine years in which 6 years were in management grade. I was Account Manager and Sales Manager in computer retailer and big information systems solutions vendors in Hong Kong.
I joined the Caritas Francis Hsu College (now Caritas Institute of Higher Education) in 1998. I have over 20 years teaching and administrative experiences. I was the Programme Leader of the Higher Diploma in Computing Studies programme and Stream Coordinator of the Bachelor of Business Administration (Information Systems) programme of the Rita Tong Liu School of Business and Hospitality Management. I also take administrative duties both at the School and Institute levels. I am the Secretary of Examiners Committee of the School of Computing and Information Sciences. In Institute level, I am a member of the Academic Regulations Committee. I have been the member of the programme validation committee for many programmes, such as Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons), Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Digital Entertainment, Higher Diploma in Computing Studies,
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MATH105 Mathematics and Statistics
IS309 Big Data Analytics for Business
MGT403 Strategic Management
MKT307 Digital Marketing
MATH201/MATH103 Quantitative Methods
MATH101/MATH102 Numerical and IT Literacy
MATH105 Mathematics and Statistics
BUS301 Business Research Methodology
IS405 Supply Chain Management
DET303 IT Professional Practice and Ethics
MKT404 Customer Relationship Management
COMP302 Internet Application Development
IS306 Information Systems Project Management
MGT403 Strategic Management
IS307 Enterprise Resource Planning
IS309 Big Data Analytics for Business
BUS401 Business Research Project (Supervisor)
BUS401 Business Research Project (Project Coordinator)
IS304 Information Systems Analysis and Design
IS305 Information Systems Audit
MATH104 Discrete Mathematics
B399F Management Policy and Strategy (Top-up degree of The Open University of Hong Kong)
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Information Systems, CSR, marketing, digital marketing, brand, e-learning
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My Google Scholar
International Journals
- Wong, T. T. A. (2019). A review of the effects of instant messaging and online social network on the communication skills of the young generation in Hong Kong, Asian Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Studies, 2(1):18-21.
- Wong, T. T. A. and Ho, M. W. M. (2019). Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of Budget Airlines: Demographics Analysis by Kano Model, Journal of Global Economics, Management and Business Research, 11(3):155-164.
- Wong, T. T. A. and Ho, M. W. M. (2019). Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction on Budget Airlines: Kano Model Approach, Journal of Economics, Management and Trade, 24(5):1-16.
- Wong, Anthony Tik-Tsuen. (2019). A Study of Purchase Intention on Smartphones of Post 90s in Hong Kong, Asian Social Science, 15(6):1-10.
- Wong, Anthony Tik-Tsuen, Cheng, Tim and Tong, Canon. (2019). A Study of the Mediating Effects of Safety and Health of Food between Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Image and Reputation in Fast-Food Restaurants Industry in Hong Kong, Journal of Economics, Management and Trade, 23(4):1-13.
- Tong, Canon, Wong, Anthony Tik-Tsuen and Cheng, Tim. (2019). Do Corporate Social Responsibility and Safety of Food Affect Reputation? A Study of Fast-food Restaurants Industry in Hong Kong, Journal of Economics, Management and Trade, 22(3):1-18.
- Janani Marimuthu, Gomathi Shamuganathan and Anthony Tik-Tsuen Wong (2018). A Factorial Study Of Persuading Effects Of Mall Aesthetics On Shoppers’ Purchase Intentions In Chennai City. Journal of Global Economics, Management and Business Research. 10(3):166-175.
- Anthony Tik-tsuen Wong. (2018). A TAM Approach of Studying the Factors in Social Media and Consumer Purchase Intention in Hong Kong. Journal of Economics, Management and Trade. 21(10): 1-17.
- Tim Cheng, Canon Tong and Anthony Tik-tsuen Wong. (2018). The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility and Food Health and Safety, on the Corporate Image of Hong Kong's Fast-Food Restaurants. Asian Research Journal of Arts & Social Sciences. 7(2):1-18.
- Anthony, Tik Tsuen Wong. (2018). A Study of Consumer Acceptance of Mobile Payment Services in Hong Kong. Journal of Economics, Management and Trade. 21(3): 1-14.
- Anthony, Tik Tsuen Wong (2018). A study of the relationships of customer satisfaction and brand loyalty to purchase intention on freeze-dried fruits. Journal of Global Economics, Management and Business Research. 10(1): 1-8.
- 呂玲香 ; 唐永雄 ; 黃荻荃 (2017). 客戶滿意度在企業社會責任、企業聲譽及信譽之間所發生的影響:以臺灣農會信用部為例. 臺灣銀行季刊. 68:4;2017.12 [民106.12] 頁65-91.
- Anthony Tik-tsuen Wong, Libby Chien Lu Lin Hsiang and Canon Tong (2017). The Relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Corporate Reputation and Credibility. Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting, 4(2), 1-12.
- Canon Tong, Anthony Tik-Tsuen Wong and Libby Chien Lu Lin Hsiang (2017). The Relationships between Corporate Social Responsibility and Customer Satisfaction in Taiwan Farmer Association. Journal of Economics, Management and Trade, 18(2), 1-13.
- Anthony Tik-Tsuen Wong (2017). A Study of Factors Affecting Trust in Online Shopping. Journal of Global Economics, Management and Business Research, 9(1), 7-16.
- Anthony Tik-Tsuen Wong (2017). Determinants Affecting Repurchasing Behaviors Towards Online Shopping In Hong Kong. Journal of Global Economics, Management and Business Research, 8(4), 193-203.
- Libby Chien Lu Lin Hsiang, Canon Tong and Anthony Tik-tsuen Wong. (2017). The Intervening Effect of Customer Satisfaction in the Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Reputation and Credibility: Case of Credit Departments of Taiwan's Farmer Association. British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade, 16(4): 1-18.
- Anthony Tik Tsuen Wong, Canon Tong, Julianne Wai-Yin Wong (2016). The relationship between Institution Branding, Teaching Quality and Student Satisfaction in Higher Education in Hong Kong. Journal of Marketing and HR. 4(1):169-188.
- Canon Tong, Anthony Wong (2016). The effects of corporate social responsibility of fast-food restaurants on corporate reputation. Journal of Marketing and HR. 3(1):126-144.
- Canon Tong, Anthony Wong and Arison Woo (2016). Competitiveness of Higher Education Institutions in Hong Kong: The Mediating Effect of Student Satisfaction, School Image and Student Loyalty. British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade. 13(2):1-20.
- Canon Tong and Anthony Wong. (2016). Green approaches in Hong Kong’s fast-food restaurants and its effects on corporate image. Journal of Research in Marketing. 5(2): 368-381.
- Arison Woo, Canon Tong and Anthony Wong (2016). A Study of the Determinants to School Image and Reputation in Higher Education Institutions in Hong Kong. British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science. 15(1):1-18.
- Anthony Wong, Arison Woo, Canon Tong (2016). Student Satisfaction and School Reputation: The Moderating Role of Student Loyalty and School Image. Journal of Marketing and HR. 2(1):113-125.
- Lesly Lam, Anthony Wong and Canon Tong (2015). The Relationships between Knowledge Transfer, Knowledge Dissemination Capability and Inter-Organizational Dynamics in Public and Private Sectors Organizations. British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade. 10(2): 1-17.
- Canon Tong, Anthony Wong and Lesly Lam (2015). The Correlation of Factors in Nature of Knowledge and their Effects on Knowledge Transfer in Private Finance Initiative Projects. International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research, 3 (March-April): 284-292.
- Canon Tong, Anthony Wong and Wendy Lee (2015). Barriers to Software Adoption: a study of building information modelling (BIM) technology in the Hong Kong construction industry. International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research, 2(4):19-31.
- Canon Tong, Anthony Wong and Chesney Wong (2015). The Effects of Employment Opportunity on Organizational Commitment and Intention to Quit in China's IT Outsourcing Industry, The International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review, 3(3): 243-270.
- Chesney Wong, Anthony Wong and Canon Tong (2014). The Moderating Effect of Employment Opportunity on the Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Intention to Quit: The Perception of the IT Outsourcing Professionals in China. British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade, 5(3), 273-289.
- Wendy, Lee, Anthony, Wong and Canon, Tong (2014). A Qualitative Study of the Software Adoption of Building Information Modelling Technology in the Hong Kong Construction Industry. Business and Economic Research, 4(2), 222-236.
- Canon Tong, Michelle Suen and Anthony Wong (2014). The Effects of Diagnostic and Interactive Performance Measurement Systems on Organisational Commitment and Job Satisfaction: The Perception of Information and Communication Technology Practitioners in Hong Kong. British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade. 4(12), 1804-1833.
- Julianne Wai-Yin Wong, Canon Tong and Anthony Wong (2014). The Mediating Effects of School Reputation and School Image on the Relationship between Quality of Teaching Staff and Student Satisfaction in Higher Education in Hong Kong, British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science. 4(11), 1557-1582.
- Canon Tong and Anthony Wong (2014). The Influences of Corporate Social Responsibility to Customer Repurchases Intentions, Customer Word-of-Mouth Intentions and Customer Perceived Food Quality of Fast-Food Restaurants in Hong Kong and the Mediating Effects of Corporate Reputation. British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade, 4(11), 1655-1678.
- Wong, Anthony and Tong, Canon (2014). Evaluation of Organizational Commitment Models and their components in Asian Cities. International Journal of Human Resource Studies. 4(2), 66-96.
- Wong, Raymond, Tong, Canon and Wong, Anthony (2014). Examine the effects of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty: An empirical study in the healthcare insurance industry in Hong Kong. British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade. 4(3), 372-399.
- Li, KS, Tong, Canon and Wong, Anthony (2014). The Impact of Career Development on Employee Commitment of Part-Time Faculty (PTF) in Hong Kong’s Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Sector. British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science. 4(1), 52-73.
- Li, KS, Wong, Anthony and Tong, Canon (2013). An evaluation of Employee Commitment of Part-Time Faculty (PTF) in Hong Kong’s Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Sector. International Journal of Human Resource Studies. 3(4), 45-62.
- Sit, Tony, Wong, Anthony and Tong, Canon (2013). The Impact of Line Maintenance Mechanics’ Attitude, Behavioural Intentions, and Behaviour on Aircraft Safety: A Study of Two Aircraft Maintenance Companies in Hong Kong. Journal of Management Research. 5(2), 133-174.
- Tong, Canon, Wong, Anthony and Leung, Steven (2013). The mediating effects of service charge transparency on the relationship between corporate social responsibility and customer behaviour in Hong Kong’s retail banking sector. Business and Economic Research. 3(1), 56-88.
- Tong, Canon, Ip, Walder and Wong, Anthony (2013). The Impact of Knowledge Sharing on the Relationship between Organizational culture and Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Human Resource Studies. 3(1), 9-37.
- Lai Wah Lui Olivia, Canon Tong, Anthony Wong (2012). The Impact of Materialism on Consumer Ethics: An Empirical Study on Adult Students in Hong Kong, Journal of Management Research, 4(2), 51-87.
- Wong, Anthony, Tong, Canon and Keow, Yeong Ming (2012). Performance and Role of Singapore REITs in Multi-Asset Class Investment Portfolios, Journal of Management Research, 4(1), 159-186.
- Tong, Canon, Wong, Anthony and Kwok, Eddie Yiu-fai (2012). Major Determinants Affecting the Autonomy of Multi National Corporation Subsidiaries in China, Journal of Management Research, 4(1), 1-33.
- Tong, Canon, Wong, Stanley, Wong, Anthony and Kwok, Eddie Yiu-fai (2012), The Influence of Procedural Fairness on Subsidiary Autonomy: The Mediating Roles of Knowledge Dependence, Asian Social Science, 8(2), 3-16.
- Pang, Elvy, Tong, Canon and Wong, Anthony (2011), Key determinants of student satisfaction when undertaking group work: A study of business students in Hong Kong, American Journal of Business Education, 4(10): 93-104.
International Conferences
- Anthony Wong (2011). A Study of Online Learning from Students’ Perspectives. In Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on ICT in Teaching and Learning. Philip Tsang, et. al. (Eds.) Enhancing Learning through Technology: Emerging Research on ICT in Teaching and Learning (pp. 75-84). City University of Hong Kong.
- Wong, Stanley, K. S., Tong, Canon and Wong, Anthony (2011), The Effect of Cooperation between R&D and Marketing on New Product Success in the Electronics Industry in China, International Conference on Technology, Knowledge and Society, 2011.
- Anthony Wong, Canon Tong & Joseph M Mula (2009), Knowledge sharing acts as a significant antecedent to organizational commitment in a confucian culture: a quantitative study of employees in the Hong Kong ICT industry, Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, 2009.
- Anthony Wong, Canon Tong & Joseph M Mula (2009), Individual correlates of organizational commitment and knowledge sharing practices, Proceedings of the 23rd The Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management, 2009. .
- Anthony T. T. Wong (2009), A study of the assessment of students’ performance in blended learning, 2009 International conference on ICT in Teaching and Learning, pp. 576-585. .
- Wong, A. T. T. (2009). An assessment of the 5i design framework for hybrid learning, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin, 5685, pp. 390-401, 2009. .
- Wong, A. T. T. (2008). 5i: A Design Framework for Hybrid Learning, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin, 5169, pp. 147-156, 2008.
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Prior activites
Journal Academic Reviewer:
- AASCIT Online Management System
- Advances in Research
- Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology
- Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting
- Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies
- Asian Journal of Current Research
- Asian Journal of Research in Nursing and Health
- Asian Research Journal of Arts & Social Sciences
- Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology
- International Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing
- International Journal of Hospitality Management
- International Journal of Agricultural Economics and Extension
- International Journal of Human Resource Studies
- Issues in Business Management and Economics
- Journal of Economics, Management and Trade
- Journal of Experimental Agriculture International
- Journal of Global Economics, Management and Business Research
- Journal of Global Research in Education and Social Science
- Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science
- Journal of Economics, Management & Trade
- Journal of Management Research
- Merit Research Journal of Business and Management
- Net Journal of Business Management
- Research in Business and Management
Technical Program Committee Member:
- 3rd International Conference on Management Science and Management Innovation (MSMI2016)
- International Academic Conference on Economic Science and Management Engineering (ESME2016)
- 3. The International Conference on Business Management and Human Resource (BMHR2016)
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