Assistant Professor, School of Computing and Information Sciences, Caritas Institute of Higher Education, Hong Kong
Email: tliu at
Office No.: +852-3702-4217
Address: A806, CIHE Campus
Xueting Liu received her B.Eng. degree from Tsinghua University and Ph.D. degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2009 and 2014 respectively. She is currently an Assistant Professor in the School of Computing and Information Sciences, Caritas Institute of Higher Education. Her research interests include computer graphics, computer vision, machine learning, computational manga and anime, and non-photorealistic rendering.
Please refer to My Google Scholar.
DET105: Introduction to Multimedia Computing, 2018-19/S1
DET302: Introduction to Computer Graphics, 2018-19/S1
DET401: 3D Game Design and Development, 2018-19/S1
DET404: Usability and Accessibility in Interface Design, 2018-19/S2
MATH101/102: Numerial and IT Literacy, 2018-19/S2
2015-16, Research Fellowship Scheme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2013, 2nd Prize, IEEE Hong Kong Section 2013 (PG) Student Paper Contest